Free Trial Period | FAQ | Contact Us

Free Trial Period 

3 Day Trial Period 

You will have access to all content included in your chosen subscription plan and can cancel without getting charged during the trial period.

You will receive email notification to inform you of the trial period and remind you of the upcoming charge. 

We operate on a recurring subscription model. Which means your subscription will continue monthly, bi annually or yearly until cancelled. 

Frequently asked questions 

I can't log into my account

Use the link below to sign into your account and reset your password.
Sign in

If you do not receive a reset link contact customer service
with your full name and the account you signed up with.

Is there a charge to cancel?

No charge and no minimum commitment! You can cancel anytime by clicking your account icon & going to subscription/purchase.

If you are not able to log into your account contact with your subscription details and customer service will cancel for you.

Contact details 

Email -
contact number - +447490127199 

Do you have a facebook page?

Bodybybarre facebook page

Equipment Needed 

You can get started with just a yoga mat but you will mostly need the below 




Ankle weights 

Barre/Chair Stable Surface

Optional Pilates Ring 

Jump Rope